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Contact Admissions

The Admissions Offices at both campuses are more than happy to assist you and provide you with information about St. John’s. Please and be added to our mailing list.

Contact Your Admissions Counselor

Our Admissions Counselors have a wealth of knowledge about St. John’s and what makes a student successful at our rigorous liberal arts college. They are known for the time they take to assist students in the application process and giving applicants as much information as possible to help them make the college application process as smooth as possible. Please contact an Admissions Counselor to find out more about St. John’s College, the application process, or to request an Admissions Interview.

Contact an Admissions Counselor

Contact a Current Student

Current Johnnies are always interested in sharing their experiences of St. John’s with prospective students. If you have specific questions about student life, the academic program, or how they feel St. John’s is preparing them for life after college, current students are a great resource.

Contact a current student

Read the Blogs

Both admissions counselors and current students blog each week about life at St. John’s. For a student’s perspective, try The Johnnie Chair. To learn more about the admissions process, read The Chalkboard.