
Konrad and Albertina

Konrad and Albertina

Deborah Ross
Role: Author

Konrad and Albertina is the true story of the Schneider family, settlers on Puget Sound, in early Washington Territory. Konrad and Albertina Schneider, a German stonemason and his Swedish bride, make their way from Burlington, Iowa to Puget Sound on the Oregon Trail. They are accompanied by Konrad’s best friend and brother-in-law, George Lotz. When Konrad is hired as chief mason for the New Dungeness Lighthouse, he sends for his teenage nephew John back in Burlington. The triumphant completion of the lighthouse is soon overshadowed by tragedy when Konrad and John are arrested for theft. Told from the points of view of four young protagonists, Konrad and Albertina is an entertaining, yet historically accurate, account of the early development of Washington Territory.