
Class of 2020 Celebration

We hope the stories, photos, and videos on this page provide a small glimpse into the vibrant and unique character of our 2020 graduates.

St. John’s College has persevered through challenging times and weathered plenty of storms in its mission to provide students with a singular liberal arts education. But we’ve never experienced a semester like this. Our Program is based on dialogue, face-to-face discussion, and close community. When the coronavirus pandemic forced the college to transition to remote learning, it disrupted our way of life in dramatic fashion.

No one felt that disruption more acutely than our graduating class. For four years, the Class of 2020 Johnnies—both undergraduate and Graduate Institute students—have contributed immeasurable life to our college’s culture and history with their curiosity, their energy, their compassion, their determination, their love for one another, and their passion for Great Books. The fact that they’ve been denied many of the in-person celebrations they’ve waited four years to experience, from commencement to senior prank, is undeniably painful; that they’ve handled the loss of these moments with such grace and poise is a testament to their collective character.

In an attempt to give our graduates the spotlight they deserve, we’ve created this webpage: a celebration of the Class of 2020. While we know it cannot make up for the lack of in-person honors, it’s our way of adapting to what is, for now, a largely virtual world, and showcasing the students who have helped define this thriving community of learning since they arrived on campus.

Annapolis McDowell Spring Collegium St Johns 2016

Tutors & staff congratulate the Class of 2020

In lieu of an in-person gathering, St. John’s Annapolis faculty and staff members created short videos to pass on congratulations, advice, and best wishes to the Class of 2020.

Class of 2020 Freshman Chorus sings Sicut Cervus

Four years ago, the undergraduate Class of 2020 gathered as a Freshman Chorus to sing Palestrina’s Sicut Cervus—filmed by Yixing Li (A20).

Senior Memories | Jared Bassmann (A20)

Poem By聽Louis Petrich, Tutor

How It Goes
(To the Class of 2020)