
New Financial Model Questions and Answers

The time has come for colleges to make a transformational change around affordability and transparency in pricing, and St. John’s is taking the lead. The college is adopting a new financial model that will dramatically transform our ability to attract and retain students who want to benefit from a St. John’s education.

Our new financial model is composed of two essential and concurrent actions. First, St. John’s is reducing the published undergraduate tuition to $35,000, eliminating over a decade of tuition increases. The college is also implementing a tuition freeze for graduate students so there will not be a tuition increase for the 2019-20 academic year.

Second, St. John’s is launching Freeing Minds: A Campaign for St. John’s College. This $300-million campaign will add $200 million to our endowment, provide $50 million to further strengthen college finances, and ensure $50 million in campus improvements.

We welcome your questions and feedback at presidents(at)sjc.edu or 1-866-507-5273.

Rethinking Tuition and Costs

St. John’s New Financial Model

St. John’s New, Lower Tuition

Financial Aid and the New Model

Freeing Minds Capital Campaign

The Future of St. John’s College

If you have questions that weren’t addressed, please contact us at presidents(at)sjc.edu or 1-866-507-5273.