
Transfer & Withdrawal

Transfer Credits

As of the fall semester of 2004, the Graduate Institute no longer accepts transfer credits from any other institution, with the exception, in Annapolis, from students in the Dual Degree Program with the University of Maryland School of Law.

Transfer to the Santa Fe Campus

Any student in good academic standing who has no outstanding balance on the student account may transfer between campuses, provided space is available. Students should submit an Intercampus Transfer Application, available online, no later than 60 days before the beginning of the semester. The application is the means through which students can outline their transfer and enrollment plans to both Graduate Institute Offices. Students should submit the required $250 enrollment deposit by the deposit deadline to the campus they plan to attend. Students who apply to transfer fewer than 60 days before the beginning of the semester in Annapolis will forfeit $50 of their advance deposit. Transfer is not possible for students who are in questionable academic, financial, or disciplinary standing, or who have incomplete grades from previous semesters. Students on financial aid must also notify the Financial Aid Offices on both campuses (Annapolis 410-626-2502, annapolis.financialaid(at)sjc.edu; Santa Fe 505-984-6058, santafe.financialaid(at)sjc.edu). Financial aid recipients who transfer to Santa Fe may request that their financial aid application be sent from Annapolis to the Financial Aid Office in Santa Fe. Financial Aid awards are determined by analysis on the Santa Fe campus. It is often difficult to arrange financial aid for mid-year transfers. Loans must be cancelled in Annapolis and applied for separately in Santa Fe. The student’s academic record and official academic records are maintained on the campus where the student last attended.


Students who need to withdraw must notify the Graduate Institute Office immediately and submit their notice of withdrawal in writing. Students may withdraw as late as the end of the twelfth week of a fall or spring semester or as late as the end of the sixth week in a summer term without receiving grades on the transcript for that semester. A grade of W is recorded on the transcript if the withdrawal occurs prior to the deadline. If the withdrawal occurs within the last quarter of the semester, a grade reflecting both withdrawal and the grade which the student was on track to earn (i.e., “W/grade”) is recorded on the transcript. In this case, the letter grade reflects the work up to the time when withdrawal occurred. If a student withdraws from the program within 21 days of the first class meeting they are eligible for up to an 80% refund, after this date has passed there may be no chance for a refund. Official information about refund and withdrawal policies can be accessed in the Annapolis Financial Aid Handbook at sjc.edu/about/policies. A student who leaves the college without formally withdrawing may have difficulty obtaining a transcript or refundable fees. A student on financial aid who is contemplating withdrawal is urged to consult the Financial Aid Office and to review the Financial Aid Handbook. The Financial Aid Handbook states that if a student registers for a class in which he or she was previously enrolled for more than three weeks, the class may be considered as repeat work, and the student may not be eligible for financial assistance. Exceptions to this policy may be granted by the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in cases of involuntary withdrawal due to serious illness or other severe and mitigating circumstances. In addition, a student on financial aid may owe a refund to the federal aid program.