
Internships and Fellowships

ARIEL Internship Program

The ARIEL (Award for Relating Intense Education to Life) Internship Program funds unpaid internships and supplements paid internships for undergraduate students attending St. John’s College in Santa Fe. Recipients are awarded up to $4,000 to complete a 300-hour internship during the summer. Internships are aligned with students’ professional development goals and give students deeper understanding about careers and an edge in finding jobs after graduation.

St. John’s students have interned in a range of industries including law, medicine, education, and the sciences. OPPD provides individualized support to assist students in identifying internships and exploring careers.

Contact OPPD for more information about the ARIEL Internship Program.

Pathways Fellowship Programs

Global Pathways Fellowships fund education abroad for undergraduate students attending the Santa Fe campus. Each recipient is awarded up to $5,000 to complete an educational program overseas during the summer. Programs align with students’ personal or professional goals and broaden their understanding of academic fields of study and professional career paths.

St. John’s has long-standing relationships with and . Students have recently interned in a variety of other overseas locations, including Greece, Turkey, Japan, Austria, and the United Kingdom.

The General Pathways Fellowship program is the domestic sibling of Global Pathways. It funds academic and career preparation opportunities in the U.S. for undergraduate students attending St. John’s College in Santa Fe. Recipients are awarded up to $5,000 to take academic courses to fulfill prerequisite coursework for graduate school or career preparation; to attend professional conferences; or to complete certification and licensure programs during the summer.

Because students identify opportunities that align with their professional development goals, a General Pathways summer experience is a valuable step in preparing for a professional career. Students choose from a wide range of subjects, including foreign languages, computer science, and mathematics. Others complete certifications such as those for nursing assistant and English as a Second Language (ESL).

OPPD provides individualized support to assist students in identifying academic and career pathways, including options for summer study in the U.S. and abroad.

Contact OPPD for more information about our Pathways Fellowship programs.