
Summer Academy Faculty & Staff

St. John’s College faculty is adept at raising important, engaging issues. They are also good listeners, able to help students reformulate their observations and examine their opinions. All Summer Academy faculty are full-time, tenured tutors.

St. John’s administrative staff organizes and manages all non-academic Summer Academy activities. All professional staff, including the director of Athletics and the assistant dean are available during regular office hours. Adult Senior Residents (faculty and staff members who live on campus) are on duty at all times.

“Every member of the staff including the, Tutors, RAs, and Administrators were a joy to be around.”
Noah (SA16)

Resident Assistants (RAs) live in the dormitories alongside Summer Academy participants and provide day-to-day supervision of the group. RAs share life in the dorms, participate in and lead workshops and recreational activities, and assist during study time.

RAs are carefully selected from the college’s current student body. In addition to supervising the group, each RA is responsible for a small core of up to six students whom they check in with daily. All RAs are background checked and are CPR/AED certified.